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Found 19158 results for any of the keywords discovery service. Time 0.009 seconds.
EBSCO Discovery Service | EBSCOEBSCO Discovery Service is an all-inclusive search solution that makes in-depth research easy.
Drug Discovery ServiceLead Generation, Lead Optimization, High Throughput Screening and other services to speed up Drug Discovery
EBSCO for Academic Libraries | Research Databases, eBooks, JournalsEBSCO provides high-quality content and technology for academic libraries including academic research databases, discovery service, academic journals, academic ebooks, scholarly journals and more
EBSCO Mobile App — Research Anytime, Anywhere | EBSCOFree and available to all EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) and EBSCOhost users, the EBSCO Mobile app gives users ubiquitous access to the library’s content, surfacing search results across the library’s EBSCO subscriptions.
EBSCO for Public Libraries | Databases, Journals, eBooks, MagazinesEBSCO provides high-quality content and technology for public libraries, including research databases, ebooks, audiobooks, digital magazines, readers advisories, scholarly journals, discovery service and more
EBSCO Information ServicesEBSCO is the leading provider of research databases, e-journals, magazine subscriptions, ebooks and discovery service for academic libraries, public libraries, corporations, schools, government and medical institutions
EBSCO for Schools | Research Databases, Journals, eBooks, MagazinesEBSCO provides high-quality content and technology for elementary, middle, and high schools worldwide, including research databases, ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, journals and more
Best Online MBA Courses | Flexible Time Affordable Fee Increase InDiscover affordable and flexible online MBA courses. Study at your own pace and boost your career with top programs. learn from the best faculty in
Publishers Partnerships | EBSCOWe can help expand the reach of your content or service, increase your footprint in existing and new markets, provide potential for supplemental revenue, and streamline administrative workflow associated with subscriptio
EBSCO Corporate Solutions | Business eBooks, Magazines, DatabasesEBSCO provides corporations with high-quality content including business magazines, business ebooks, audiobooks, industry trade magazines, business journals, learning solutions and more
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